Generate Ada wallet

You can work with Cardano by connecting directly to a blockchain node provided by Tatum.

1 credit per API call.

Tatum supports BIP44 HD wallets. Because they can generate 2^31 addresses from 1 mnemonic phrase, they are very convenient and secure. A mnemonic phrase consists of 24 special words in a defined order and can restore access to all generated addresses and private keys.
Each address is identified by 3 main values:

  • Private Key - your secret value, which should never be revealed
  • Public Key - public address to be published
  • Derivation index - index of generated address

Tatum follows BIP44 specification and generates for ADA wallet with derivation path m/1852'/1815'/0'. More about BIP44 HD wallets can be found here - Generate BIP44 compatible Ada wallet.

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