Register a new Harmony HRM-20 token in the virtual account

This method is deprecated.
Use this method instead.

2 credits per API call.

First step to create new HRM20 token with given supply on ONE blockchain with support of Tatum's private ledger.

This method only creates Tatum Private ledger virtual currency with predefined parameters. It will not generate any blockchain smart contract.
The whole supply of HRM20 token is stored in the customer's newly created account. Then it is possible to create new Tatum accounts with HRM20 token name as account's currency.
Newly created account is frozen until the specific HRM20 smart contract address is linked with the Tatum virtual currency, representing the token.
Order of the steps to create HRM20 smart contract with Tatum private ledger support:

  1. Register HRM20 token - creates a virtual currency within Tatum
  2. Deploy HRM20 smart contract - create new HRM20 smart contract on the blockchain
  3. Store HRM20 smart contract address - link newly created HRM20 smart contract address with Tatum virtual currency - this operation enables frozen account and enables ledger synchronization for HRM20 Tatum accounts
There is a helper method Deploy ONE HRM20 Smart Contract to Blockchain and Ledger, which wraps first 2 steps into 1 method.
Address on the blockchain, where all initial supply will be transferred, can be defined via the address or xpub and derivationIndex. When xpub is present, the account connected to this virtualCurrency will be set as the account's xpub.

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