Generate a gas pump wallet address

This API is deprecated.
To start with the gas pump, use the API for precalculating the gas pump addresses.

2 credits per API call

Generate new gas pump smart contract address on the blockchain. This address enables custodial providers to receive native assets, ERC20 / ERC721 / ERC1155 tokens on behalf of their customers on dedicated blockchain address, but in the same time it can initiate transfer of those assets away. Gas required for the transfer from that address is going to be deducted from the providers address - the one, which was used to generate the address on the blockchain.

This operation deploys a smart contract on the blockchain.

For paid plans, it is possible to pay for the gas costs - you don't have to provide private key or signatureId. Blockchain fees will be covered by your credits.

This API is supported for the following blockchains:

  • BNB Smart Chain
  • Celo
  • Ethereum
  • Harmony
  • Klaytn
  • Polygon
  • TRON
  • XinFin
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