
Kadena RPC


The /cut endpoint in Kadena represents a distributed state of a chainweb. It references one block header for each chain, ensuring those blocks are pairwise concurrent. In Kadena, two blocks from different chains are considered concurrent if one is a direct dependency of the other or if they don't depend on each other at all. This method is crucial for:

  • State Monitoring: Allows for the monitoring of the Kadena chainweb's state, facilitating the identification of the blockchain's health and activity.
  • Synchronization: Essential for applications that require up-to-date synchronization with the Kadena chainweb's state.
  • Data Integrity: Ensures that transactions and other blockchain interactions are based on the current and accurate state of the chainweb.


apiVersionstringYesVersion of Kadena API "0.0"
nodeVersionenumYes"test-singleton" "development" "mainnet01" "testnet04"
maxHeightnumberNoMaximum cut height of the returned cut


A successful request to the /cut endpoint returns the current cut of the Kadena chainweb, including the following information:

originThe origin of the cut.
heightThe height of the cut, indicating the latest state.
weightThe weight of the cut.
hashesAn object containing the height and hash of the latest block for each chain in the chainweb.
idThe ID of the cut.
instanceThe instance of the Kadena network (e.g., mainnet01).

Request Example

curl --location '{api_key}/chainweb/{apiVersion}/{nodeVersion}/cut' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
// yarn add @tatumio/tatum

import { TatumSDK, Kadena, Network } from "@tatumio/tatum";

const tatum = await TatumSDK.init<Kadena>({ network: Network.KADENA_MAINNET });

const currentCut = await tatum.rpc.putCutNetworkPeerInfo({
  network: {
    apiVersion: "0.0",
    nodeVersion: "mainnet01",

await tatum.destroy(); // Destroy Tatum SDK - needed for stopping background jobs