Set the contract address of an ERC-20, ERC-20-equivalent, or TRC-10 token

2 credits per API call

Set the contract address of an ERC-20, ERC-20-equivalent (for example, BEP-20, HRM-20, and so on), or TRC-10 token to be able to communicate with the smart contract.

After creating and deploying the token to the blockchain, the smart contract address is generated and must be set within Tatum. If the address is not set, the Tatum platform will not be able to detect incoming deposits of the tokens and transfer the tokens from virtual accounts to blockchain addresses.


  • For Algorand, the contract address is the asset ID (assetId), for example, 55351976.
  • For TRON, the contract address is the token ID (tokenId), for example, 1234567.
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