Get transactions

20 credits per API call

Get transactions on the following blockchains:

  • Celo - celo / celo-testnet
  • Ethereum - ethereum / ethereum-sepolia
  • BNB (Binance) Smart Chain - bsc / bsc-testnet
  • Polygon - polygon / polygon-mumbai
  • Tezos - tezos-mainnet
  • Horizen EON - eon-mainnet
  • Chiliz - chiliz-mainnet

To get started:

  • Provide a chain name and comma-separated list of addresses. Our API will return all of their transactions along with further information such as their block number, ID of involved token, and more.
  • If not specified, the API returns transactions of various types (fungible, nft, multitoken, native), but you can also choose to filter specific transactionTypes and even transactionSubtype (incoming, outgoing, zero-transfer).
  • On top of that, you can add further filters such as specifying block range where the transactions should have occurred, or address and ID of involved tokens.
  • For Tezos blockchain, the API accepts only one wallet address in addresses query parameter. Following query parameters won't have any effect on filtering data: transactionTypes, transactionSubtype, tokenId, blockTo.
  • When querying Tezos transactions for a specified wallet or contract address, pagination is supported via pageSize and offset query parameters.
  • When querying Tezos transactions for a specified block, pagination is supported via cursor query parameter, by filling in the value from prevPage or nextPage field in the response body.
  • When you are filtering data using blockFrom and not using blockTo, query might take longer time to finish. It is always recommended to use both filters blockFrom and blockTo.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!