Get information about a transaction output (UTXO) in a Litecoin transaction

5 credits per API call

Get information about a transaction output in a transaction and check whether this output is a UTXO or has been spent.

"UTXO" stands for "Unspent Transaction Output". A UTXO is the amount of LTC that remains at a Litecoin address after a cryptocurrency transaction involving this address has been performed. The UTXO can then be used as input for a new cryptocurrency transaction. For more information the UTXO, see the Bitcoin user documentation.

  • If the transaction output is an UTXO, the API returns data about it.
  • If the transaction output has been spent and there is no UTXO to return, the API returns an error with the 404 response code.

Examples of using this endpoint with the Tatum JS SDK can be found in Tatum LTC SDK.
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